[R-sig-ME] very low conditiona; l/marginal r-squared for a mixed model

Santosh Srinivas @@nto@h@b@@r|n|v@@ @end|ng |rom out|ook@com
Mon Dec 16 16:07:47 CET 2024

Dear List,

In a paper taking a hypothesis testing approach, we are reporting the results based on the following mixed model:

m = glmmTMB::glmmTMB(
      agentic_language ~ time + event + time_since_event + speaker_gender + (time|speaker_id), data = df_regress)

We reported the r-squared using the performance::r2(m) function.

A reviewer has critiqued that conditional and marginal r-squared values being so low (<  0.04) it is a very poor model.

We are not sure if the reviewer is making a valid critique based on r-squared value for a mixed model. Do you too think the mode has no merits?

Thanks for taking the time.

Kind regards

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