[R-sig-ME] Starting point for modeling a within-subject design
Ben Bolker
bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Oct 16 20:56:27 CEST 2024
On 10/7/24 22:19, Simon Harmel wrote:
> Dear Mixed-Effects Experts,
> Suppose a causal mechanism where a normally distributed outcome is impacted
> by condition (a binary factor variable), and a mediator (a
> continuous variable) that sits between the condition and outcome.
> Here, all subjects get to taste both conditions by counterbalancing. That
> is, based on chance, some will first get one condition at one point, and
> later, they will get another condition.
> In a sense, this is a within-subject design with a data structure like:
> subject condition outcome mediator
> 1 complex 25.1 6
> 1 simple 11.0 4
> 2 complex 24.3 7
> 2 simple 12.2 3
> 1) Can we think of this model as a multivariate model where the outcome and
> mediator are indeed 2 correlated DVs that are impacted by condition?
I don't know. Some questions to consider: (1) is the mediator
considered to be measured/observed with or without error? (2) are you
interested in making inferences about the true value of the mediator? My
guess would be that at least in the linear/Gaussian case, the estimates
of the direct and combined effects wouldn't be biased by treating the
observed value of the mediator as the true value (although I guess the
uncertainty would be underestimated).
> 2) Given that the same participants get both levels of condition, should
> levels of condition in each subject be correlated at the latent level as in
> (condition | subject) and/or possibly at the residual level as in nlme::
> corClasses?
The levels of condition are categorical (complex/simple), right? And
they're not random variables ... Or do you mean the **effects** of the
level of each condition?
You could in principle fit (condition|subject), but you'll have an
identifiability problem if you only have two observations per subject
[as in the 'starling' example here:
If variability varied by condition, you could estimate that ...
> 3) Is there any frequentist software to analyze such data, and if not, does
> the following bayesian model sound like a good "starting point"?
> library(brms)
> mediator_formula <- bf(mediator ~ condition + (condition | subject))
> outcome_formula <- bf(outcome ~ condition + mediator + (condition |
> subject))
> model <- brm(mediator_formula + outcome_formula,
> data = DATA,
> seed = 123,
> chains = 4,
> iter = 10000)
> Thank you all for your expertise,
> Simon
identifiability is in principle less of an issue with Bayesian
methods (since _in theory_ the sampler should be able to integrate over
all possible combinations of the confounded/unidentifiable variables),
but in practice this will also cause problems unless your priors are
relatively informative.
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