[R-SIG-Mac] 'R CMD build <mypkg>' fails to 'make clean' when <mypkg> has a Makefile

Herve Pages hpages at fhcrc.org
Mon Oct 20 20:13:37 CEST 2008


Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Oct 2008, Herve Pages wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This problem has already been reported here more than 1 year ago by
>> Brian J. Lopes:
>>  https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mac/2007-May/003863.html


>> Are there any chance that this could be addressed?
> A chance, but not in code freeze for 2.8.0.  (Your timing is the worse
> possible.)
> That's an unusual setup (developing on a system with sub-architectures).

Are you saying that developing on Tiger (or Leopard) is unusual?

> If you submit a tested patch it is more likely to be 'addressed' once
> the R-2-8-branch is open again.



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