[R-sig-Debian] R package update on Kubuntu

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Mon Jan 4 19:38:23 CET 2016


First off, there is no tax or fee on spaces or newlines.

Your email would be a lot more readable if you inserted some breaks.

On 4 January 2016 at 19:25, klerer at sxmail.de wrote:
| Dear list,[1]I use a current and continuously updated Linux
|  distribution (Kubuntu, 14.XY < LTS < 15.10) and since not so long I decided to 
| venture into R statistical programming by means of an editor suitable 
| for KDE called "rkward"; the R version installed on that Linux machine 
| is version 3.0.2.[2]I experienced problems concerning the installation 
| of R packages and R packages' updates as well as editor updates (you don't 
| have to worry to deal with the latter as I have still to contact the 
| "rkward" team on that issue) lately. [3]My most important problem by now is that I
|  apparently were using one mirror (a "https://" mirror of a University 
| in my home country) too often and that grew into a problem in so far as 
| package updates via my GUI of choice ("rkward") are now not possible anymore.[4]Do you know a way/ ways out? I especially contact you because Kubuntu is a Debian flavour so that an answer (or hint) to the problem('s resolution) presented in [3] could perhaps require knowledge that would exceed that of a "helping hand's" abilities.Best regards,Markus Hofstetter

You could try contacting the rkward team and see if

 - someone has backported the current version to your Ubuntu release

 - can lend you hand otherwise

In open source land, the usual recommendation is to start from the source so
maybe just maybe you have to consider building it locally.  I also had some
luck with having Ubuntu/Canonical build packages for me via http://launchpad.net
but it helps if you already know the basic of packaging...


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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