[BioC] gcrma error? - linked to makeProbePackage ?
Benoit Ballester
benoit at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Jul 5 17:48:42 CEST 2007
James W. MacDonald wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Benoit Ballester wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to use gcrma for the mouse GNF/Novartis data.
>> This dataset use a custom affy chip gnGNF1Musa. I got the CDF file and
>> probe file from GEO.
>> > library("gngnf1musacdf")
>> > library("gngnf1musaprobe")
>> > eset.gcrma<-gcrma(Data)
>> Adjusting for optical effect.......[more dots].....Done.
>> Computing affinitiesError: length(prlen) == 1 is not TRUE
> This indicates that you have probes of more than one length (e.g., they
> are not all 25-mers). This might have to do with what you note below,
> that there is an extra column in your probe_tab file. However, there is
> error checking in makeProbePackage that is supposed to catch these sorts
> of things, so I am wondering how you were ever able to make the package
> in the first place.
This is what I get when I install gngnf1musaprobe
> R CMD INSTALL gngnf1musaprobe
* Installing *source* package 'gngnf1musaprobe' ...
** R
** data
** help
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'gngnf1musaprobe'
Formats: text html latex example
gngnf1musaprobe text html latex example
** building package indices ...
* DONE (gngnf1musaprobe)
looks fine to me
> What do you get from
> head(as.data.frame(gngnf1musaprobe))
This is what I get :
> library(gngnf1musaprobe)
> head(as.data.frame(gngnf1musaprobe))
[1] sequence x
[3] y Probe.Set.Name
[5] Probe.Interrogation.Position Target.Strandedness
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> gngnf1musaprobe
Object of class probetable data.frame with 0 rows and 6 columns
> gngnf1musaprobe[1,1]
[1] NA
This doesn't look right ?!?
> Does the probe sequence column actually contain probe sequences? If not,
> you will need to remove the extra column from your probe_tab file and
> re-run makeProbePackage.
> Best,
> Jim
>> I create the CDF package like this:
>> > library(makecdfenv)
>> > make.cdf.package("gnGNF1Musa.cdf", species = "Mus_musculus")
>> then $> R CMD INSTALL gngnf1musacdf
>> When I create the probe package, I have a warning. I don't know if
>> it's linked to the gcrma error have.
>> > filename<-system.file("extdata","gnGNF1Musa.probe.tab")
>> > me<-"Benoit Ballester<benoit at ebi.ac.uk>"
>> > species<-"Mus_musculus"
>> > outdir<-tempdir()
>> > makeProbePackage("gnGNF1Musa", datafile = filename, outdir =
>> outdir, maintainer = me, species = species, version = "0.0.1",force =
>> TRUE)
>> Importing the data.
>> Creating package in /tmp/RtmpIaiUst/gngnf1musaprobe
>> Writing the data.
>> Checking the package.
>> Building the package.
>> [1] "gngnf1musaprobe"
>> Warning message:
>> file("") only supports open = "w+" and open = "w+b": using the former
>> >
>> then $> R CMD INSTALL gngnf1musaprobe
>> I use R Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
>> > sessionInfo()
>> Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
>> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] "tools" "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils"
>> [7] "datasets" "base"
>> other attached packages:
>> gcrma matchprobes makecdfenv affy affyio Biobase
>> "2.4.1" "1.4.0" "1.10.0" "1.10.0" "1.0.0" "1.10.0"
>> Do you think that the error I get from gcrma is linked to the
>> cdf/probe package I have made. I also noticed that the probe file I
>> have, has one extra column called "Serial Order". Do you think it
>> might explain the gcrma error ?
>> Probe Set Name Serial Order Probe X Probe Y Probe Interrogation
>> Position Probe Sequence Target Strandedness
>> AFFX-18SRNAMur/X00686_3_at 1 256 597 1333
>> AFFX-18SRNAMur/X00686_3_at 2 71 547 1341
>> Thanks,
>> Ben
Benoit Ballester, PhD
Ensembl Team
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton
Cambridge CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
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