Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Bioc-devel Bioconductor Developers' List
CRAN-task-views CRAN Task View Editors
ESS-bugs Collection of Bugs reported on ESS
ESS-core ESS Core Development Team (and ESS-bugs fixers)
ESS-Debian ESS for Debian maintainers
ESS-help ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) Discussion and Help
Mailman (Mailman software wants this list)
mm-test For Testing Mailman administration
R-announce Important Announcements of the R Project
R-Contribution-WG Working Group of People aiming to contribute to "base R"
R-core R Core Development Team
R-devel R development and technical/programmer topics
R-help Main R Mailing List: Primary help
R-help-es Ayuda sobre R en espaņol
R-package-devel User R Packages Development
R-packages R Packages & Extensions Announcements
R-sig-DB R SIG on Database Interfaces
R-SIG-DCM Design and Analysis of Discrete Choice Modeling experiments
R-SIG-Debian R Special Interest Group for Debian ports of R
R-sig-dynamic-models Special Interest Group for Dynamic Simulation Models in R
R-sig-ecology R for use in ecological and environmental data analysis
R-sig-Epi R for epidemiological data analysis
R-SIG-Fedora R Special Interest Group for Fedora and Redhat ports of R
R-SIG-Finance Special Interest Group for 'R in Finance'
R-sig-genetics R special interest group on population genetics
R-sig-Geo R Special Interest Group on using Geographical data and Mapping
R-sig-gR R SIG on gRaphical models
R-sig-hpc High-Performance Computing with R
R-sig-jobs R-Related Job Postings
R-SIG-Mac Special Interest Group on Mac ports of R
R-sig-meta-analysis R Special Interest Group for Meta-Analysis
R-sig-mixed-models R special interest group on Mixed Effect Models, notably lmer() related
R-sig-phylo R SIG on phylogenetic and comparative methods and analyses
R-SIG-Robust R SIG on Robust Statistics
R-SIG-RUGs starting/organizing a R Users Group
R-sig-teaching SIG on Teaching Statistics using R
R-sig-wiki Setting up and Managing a Wiki devoted to R
R-SIG-windows R Questions & Problems only relevant on MS Windows
R-UG-Ottawa Ottawa Gatineau R Users Group (Canada)
Statlist Informations for Swiss Statisticians

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