Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS

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Documentation for package ‘MASS’ version 7.3-65

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W misc

-- A --

abbey Determinations of Nickel Content
accdeaths Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978
addterm Try All One-Term Additions to a Model
addterm.default Try All One-Term Additions to a Model
addterm.glm Try All One-Term Additions to a Model
addterm.lm Try All One-Term Additions to a Model
Aids2 Australian AIDS Survival Data
Animals Brain and Body Weights for 28 Species
anorexia Anorexia Data on Weight Change
anova.negbin Likelihood Ratio Tests for Negative Binomial GLMs
area Adaptive Numerical Integration
as.character.fractions Rational Approximation
as.fractions Rational Approximation

-- B --

bacteria Presence of Bacteria after Drug Treatments
bandwidth.nrd Bandwidth for density() via Normal Reference Distribution
bcv Biased Cross-Validation for Bandwidth Selection
beav1 Body Temperature Series of Beaver 1
beav2 Body Temperature Series of Beaver 2
biopsy Biopsy Data on Breast Cancer Patients
birthwt Risk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight
Boston Housing Values in Suburbs of Boston
boxcox Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models
boxcox.default Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models
boxcox.formula Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models
boxcox.lm Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models

-- C --

cabbages Data from a cabbage field trial
caith Colours of Eyes and Hair of People in Caithness
Cars93 Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993
cats Anatomical Data from Domestic Cats
cement Heat Evolved by Setting Cements
chem Copper in Wholemeal Flour
coef.lda Linear Discriminant Analysis
con2tr Convert Lists to Data Frames for use by lattice
confint.glm Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
confint.nls Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
confint.profile.glm Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
confint.profile.nls Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
contr.sdif Successive Differences Contrast Coding
coop Co-operative Trial in Analytical Chemistry
corresp Simple Correspondence Analysis Simple Correspondence Analysis
corresp.default Simple Correspondence Analysis
corresp.factor Simple Correspondence Analysis
corresp.formula Simple Correspondence Analysis
corresp.matrix Simple Correspondence Analysis
corresp.xtabs Simple Correspondence Analysis Resistant Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter
cov.mve Resistant Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter
cov.rob Resistant Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter
cov.trob Covariance Estimation for Multivariate t Distribution
cpus Performance of Computer CPUs
crabs Morphological Measurements on Leptograpsus Crabs
Cushings Diagnostic Tests on Patients with Cushing's Syndrome

-- D --

DDT DDT in Kale
deaths Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
denumerate Transform an Allowable Formula for 'loglm' into one for 'terms'
denumerate.formula Transform an Allowable Formula for 'loglm' into one for 'terms'
dose.p Predict Doses for Binomial Assay model
drivers Deaths of Car Drivers in Great Britain 1969-84
dropterm Try All One-Term Deletions from a Model
dropterm.default Try All One-Term Deletions from a Model
dropterm.glm Try All One-Term Deletions from a Model
dropterm.lm Try All One-Term Deletions from a Model

-- E --

eagles Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles
epil Seizure Counts for Epileptics
eqscplot Plots with Geometrically Equal Scales
extractAIC.gls Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm
extractAIC.lme Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm

-- F --

family.negbin Fit a Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Model
farms Ecological Factors in Farm Management
fgl Measurements of Forensic Glass Fragments
fitdistr Maximum-likelihood Fitting of Univariate Distributions
forbes Forbes' Data on Boiling Points in the Alps
fractions Rational Approximation

-- G --

GAGurine Level of GAG in Urine of Children
galaxies Velocities for 82 Galaxies
gamma.dispersion Calculate the MLE of the Gamma Dispersion Parameter in a GLM Fit
gamma.shape Estimate the Shape Parameter of the Gamma Distribution in a GLM Fit
gamma.shape.glm Estimate the Shape Parameter of the Gamma Distribution in a GLM Fit
gehan Remission Times of Leukaemia Patients
genotype Rat Genotype Data
geyser Old Faithful Geyser Data
gilgais Line Transect of Soil in Gilgai Territory
ginv Generalized Inverse of a Matrix
glm.convert Change a Negative Binomial fit to a GLM fit
glm.nb Fit a Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Model
glmmPQL Fit Generalized Linear Mixed Models via PQL

-- H --

hills Record Times in Scottish Hill Races
hist.FD Plot a Histogram with Automatic Bin Width Selection
hist.scott Plot a Histogram with Automatic Bin Width Selection
housing Frequency Table from a Copenhagen Housing Conditions Survey
huber Huber M-estimator of Location with MAD Scale
hubers Huber Proposal 2 Robust Estimator of Location and/or Scale

-- I --

immer Yields from a Barley Field Trial
Insurance Numbers of Car Insurance claims
is.fractions Rational Approximation
isoMDS Kruskal's Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling

-- K --

kde2d Two-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimation

-- L --

lda Linear Discriminant Analysis Linear Discriminant Analysis
lda.default Linear Discriminant Analysis
lda.formula Linear Discriminant Analysis
lda.matrix Linear Discriminant Analysis
ldahist Histograms or Density Plots of Multiple Groups
leuk Survival Times and White Blood Counts for Leukaemia Patients
lm.gls Fit Linear Models by Generalized Least Squares
lm.ridge Ridge Regression
lmsreg Resistant Regression
logLik.negbin Fit a Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Model
loglm Fit Log-Linear Models by Iterative Proportional Scaling
logtrans Estimate log Transformation Parameter
logtrans.default Estimate log Transformation Parameter
logtrans.formula Estimate log Transformation Parameter
logtrans.lm Estimate log Transformation Parameter
lqs Resistant Regression
lqs.default Resistant Regression
lqs.formula Resistant Regression
ltsreg Resistant Regression

-- M --

mammals Brain and Body Weights for 62 Species of Land Mammals
Math.fractions Rational Approximation
mca Multiple Correspondence Analysis
mcycle Data from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident
Melanoma Survival from Malignant Melanoma
menarche Age of Menarche in Warsaw
michelson Michelson's Speed of Light Data
minn38 Minnesota High School Graduates of 1938
model.frame.lda Linear Discriminant Analysis
model.frame.qda Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
motors Accelerated Life Testing of Motorettes
muscle Effect of Calcium Chloride on Muscle Contraction in Rat Hearts
mvrnorm Simulate from a Multivariate Normal Distribution

-- N --

negative.binomial Family function for Negative Binomial GLMs
newcomb Newcomb's Measurements of the Passage Time of Light
nlschools Eighth-Grade Pupils in the Netherlands
npk Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment
npr1 US Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 data
Null Null Spaces of Matrices

-- O --

oats Data from an Oats Field Trial
OME Tests of Auditory Perception in Children with OME
Ops.fractions Rational Approximation

-- P --

painters The Painter's Data of de Piles
pairs.lda Produce Pairwise Scatterplots from an 'lda' Fit
parcoord Parallel Coordinates Plot
petrol N. L. Prater's Petrol Refinery Data
phones Belgium Phone Calls 1950-1973
Pima.te Diabetes in Pima Indian Women Diabetes in Pima Indian Women
Pima.tr2 Diabetes in Pima Indian Women
plot.lda Plot Method for Class 'lda'
plot.mca Plot Method for Objects of Class 'mca'
plot.ridgelm Ridge Regression
polr Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression
predict.glmmPQL Predict Method for glmmPQL Fits
predict.lda Classify Multivariate Observations by Linear Discrimination
predict.lqs Predict from an lqs Fit
predict.mca Predict Method for Class 'mca'
predict.qda Classify from Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
predict.rlm Robust Fitting of Linear Models
print.fractions Rational Approximation
print.gamma.shape Estimate the Shape Parameter of the Gamma Distribution in a GLM Fit
print.glm.dose Predict Doses for Binomial Assay model
print.lda Linear Discriminant Analysis
print.mca Multiple Correspondence Analysis
print.qda Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
print.ridgelm Ridge Regression
print.rlm Robust Fitting of Linear Models
print.rms.curv Relative Curvature Measures for Non-Linear Regression
print.summary.loglm Summary Method Function for Objects of Class 'loglm'
print.summary.negbin Summary Method Function for Objects of Class 'negbin'
print.summary.rlm Summary Method for Robust Linear Models
profile.glm Method for Profiling glm Objects
psi.bisquare Robust Fitting of Linear Models
psi.hampel Robust Fitting of Linear Models
psi.huber Robust Fitting of Linear Models

-- Q --

qda Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
qda.default Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
qda.formula Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
qda.matrix Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
quine Absenteeism from School in Rural New South Wales

-- R --

Rabbit Blood Pressure in Rabbits
rational Rational Approximation
renumerate Convert a Formula Transformed by 'denumerate'
renumerate.formula Convert a Formula Transformed by 'denumerate'
rlm Robust Fitting of Linear Models
rlm.default Robust Fitting of Linear Models
rlm.formula Robust Fitting of Linear Models
rms.curv Relative Curvature Measures for Non-Linear Regression
rnegbin Simulate Negative Binomial Variates
road Road Accident Deaths in US States
rotifer Numbers of Rotifers by Fluid Density
Rubber Accelerated Testing of Tyre Rubber

-- S --

sammon Sammon's Non-Linear Mapping
select Ridge Regression
select.ridgelm Ridge Regression
Shepard Kruskal's Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling
ships Ships Damage Data
shoes Shoe wear data of Box, Hunter and Hunter
shrimp Percentage of Shrimp in Shrimp Cocktail
shuttle Space Shuttle Autolander Problem
Sitka Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1988
Sitka89 Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1989
Skye AFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas
snails Snail Mortality Data
SP500 Returns of the Standard and Poors 500
stdres Extract Standardized Residuals from a Linear Model
steam The Saturated Steam Pressure Data
stepAIC Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm
stormer The Stormer Viscometer Data
studres Extract Studentized Residuals from a Linear Model
Summary.fractions Rational Approximation
summary.loglm Summary Method Function for Objects of Class 'loglm'
summary.negbin Summary Method Function for Objects of Class 'negbin'
summary.rlm Summary Method for Robust Linear Models
survey Student Survey Data
synth.te Synthetic Classification Problem Synthetic Classification Problem

-- T --

t.fractions Rational Approximation
terms.gls Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm
terms.lme Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm Estimate theta of the Negative Binomial Estimate theta of the Negative Binomial Estimate theta of the Negative Binomial
topo Spatial Topographic Data
Traffic Effect of Swedish Speed Limits on Accidents
truehist Plot a Histogram

-- U --

ucv Unbiased Cross-Validation for Bandwidth Selection
UScereal Nutritional and Marketing Information on US Cereals
UScrime The Effect of Punishment Regimes on Crime Rates

-- V --

VA Veteran's Administration Lung Cancer Trial

-- W --

waders Counts of Waders at 15 Sites in South Africa
whiteside House Insulation: Whiteside's Data
width.SJ Bandwidth Selection by Pilot Estimation of Derivatives
write.matrix Write a Matrix or Data Frame
wtloss Weight Loss Data from an Obese Patient

-- misc --

.rat Rational Approximation
[.fractions Rational Approximation
[<-.fractions Rational Approximation