Package fCalendar_260.72.tar.gz did not pass R CMD check

Yohan Chalabi chalabi at
Wed Feb 6 16:01:36 CET 2008

>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <maechler at>
>>>> on Wed, 6 Feb 2008 15:18:34 +0100

   MM> why is this linkt to the packages being on R-forge?
   MM> They still must be checked, built, checked and uploaded to CRAN,
   MM> no?

What I wanted to say is: we want to change how Rmetrics packages are
released and stop this kind of thing :

   DE>lots of packages twice a year and silence in-between

and have something more like 

  MM>Rmetrics packages should be dealt with as other R packages are.

For the next comments

   MM> - each Rmetrics package is daily checked and built
   MM> but still "Rmetrics" should be only one (big fat :-)
   MM> R-forge project.
   MM> - keeping the current svn history

This would be the main topic of our meeting when you come back from
holidays :)

Sorry for the confusion I might have produced,

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