[R-wiki] Can't understand how to insert wiki pages and make (oldstyle) alltips work

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Tue Jun 27 22:23:11 CEST 2006

  I'm not sure I understand all your questions, but I'll give it
a try.

  First of all, "0savegraphs" *does* show up, in the expandable
index generated in tips:tips, and in the "full contents" section
at the bottom of graphics-base.

  It doesn't show up in the top half of tips:graphics-base, because
that list is not automatically generated -- it's hand-coded.
You can edit the page to add your title to the list.

  Ideally/eventually the Wiki code will be extended so that
the "Full content" and other lists include the title of the
page (e.g. "How to save graphs in a file"), instead of or
in addition to the name of the page ("0savegraphs").

   I don't see a left-side/index bar list at the level of
these sub-pages, don't know how they work.

   For your other question: it looks like the old list you're
getting is because you have a rev= command in your URL?  Perhaps try

rawimport <-

(just guessing)?


Paul Johnson wrote:
> I put in my first wiki page and found it difficult. I guessed on how
> to create a page and that worked.  I navigated to the graphics section
> and want to insert a tip at the beginning of the basic graphics
> section.  So I put a number 0 on the start of the tip name.
> http://wiki.r-project.org/rwiki/doku.php?id=tips:graphics-base:0savegraphs
> I can'd understand how I put a title on that item and how it is
> supposed to be integrated into the left-side menus and also how to
> make it show up in the output of the alltips sorts of script.
> A command of this type:
> rawimport <- readLines("http://wiki.r-project.org/rwiki/doku.php?id=tips:tips&rev=1150068302&do=export_raw")
> does not harvest all the current topics, but rather displays a static
> list from a while ago.
> Any help?
> I got really stumped for a while because my browser had javascript
> turned off and one cannot even browse the wiki without it.
> pj

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