[R-wiki] Can't understand how to insert wiki pages and make (oldstyle) alltips work

Paul Johnson pauljohn32 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 06:47:18 CEST 2006

Thanks. I put in my own menu item under Base (standard) graphics here:


Now I just need help from Phillipe on making the rawexport do what it used to.

On 6/27/06, Ben Bolker <bolker at ufl.edu> wrote:
> rawimport <-
> readLines("http://wiki.r-project.org/rwiki/doku.php?id=tips:tips&do=export_raw")
> (just guessing)?
Well, not any more.  It returns the major headings, not the titles
individual items (like it used to).
Here is what you get now:

> rawimport
 [1] "====== R Wiki - Tips ======"
 [2] "A collection of short pages with R code examples (\"snippets\")
((This section is inspired and initially filled with the excellent
material from //Paul Johnson// known as
 [3] ""
 [4] "<note classic>"
 [5] "For those who migrate Paul Johnson's Rtips, please, update the
[[misc:rtips-status|Rtips status]] page."
 [6] "</note>"
 [7] ""
 [8] "==== Data ===="
 [9] "++++ Input-output | {{indexmenu>tips:data-io}} ++++"
[10] "++++ Data frames | {{indexmenu>tips:data-frames}} ++++"
[11] "++++ Lists | {{indexmenu>tips:data-lists}} ++++"
[12] "++++ Matrices & arrays | {{indexmenu>tips:data-matrices}} ++++"
[13] "++++ Vectors | {{indexmenu>tips:data-vectors}} ++++"
[14] "++++ Factors | {{indexmenu>tips:data-factors}} ++++"
[15] "++++ Manipulation | {{indexmenu>tips:data-manip}} ++++"
[16] "++++ Databases | {{indexmenu>tips:data-bases}} ++++"

[and so forth]

The items are hidden behind "{indexmenu>...".

I need is some http:// style way to get the menuitems that you see
when you click. Those items are there hidden in the html, javascript
reveals them.

I think I could download the html output and postprocess it in Perl (a
more comfortable zone for me than R, actually), but I really think
that won't be necessary.

While I'm asking about http:// uses, suppose I want to create another
page that has a link that points at the right to edit an item.  In the
Wiki's current format, one must click log in and then the edit button

I need a one step way to ask to edit a particular item, at which point
the user is asked for a username & password.  Something like a
"revise" option to pass through in the CGI part of the URL.


Possible?  I've seen that in Perl based Wiki programs, but don't know
about this Php/Javascript kind.



Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

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