[R-sig-ME] spatial autocorrelation as random effect with count data

Sima Usvyatsov ghiaco at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 23:46:04 CET 2018

Thanks for your replies, everyone.

As for why I "choose" to stick with GLM - I have zero experience with GAM,
and it's a time-sensitive analysis, so there's just a time x experience

It sounds like maybe the glmer() way is not the way to go...

I'm also exploring the SpatialFilter approach to getting rid of nuisance
spatial autocorrelation, but am running into computational issues - it
_really_ doesn't like my dataset.

If anyone on here has any experience, input would be welcome. I have
already posted a SpatialFilter-specific question on the r-sig-geo mailing
list (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2018-January/026282.html),
although I managed to provide a toy dataset with a mistake in it.

Either way, thank you! At least I can stop digging in this direction.

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