[R-sig-ME] spatial autocorrelation as random effect with count data
Paul Lantos
paul.lantos at duke.edu
Fri Jan 12 22:15:03 CET 2018
Hi Sima,
You might do this as a GAM using the mgcv package with a syntax something like this -
mod1 <- gam( Count ~ Stratum + SiteInStratum + s( site.Easting , site.Northing ) + s( Roundstart , bs="re" ) , family = Poisson , data=yourdata )
I haven't used quasipoisson models in mgcv so you'd need to look to see if that's an available family
The s( site.Easting , site.Northing ) term produces a 2-dimensional smooth of the coordinate pairs, in essence modeling how Count varies by location within 2-dimensional coordinate space.
The s( Roundstart , bs="re" ) term treats Roundstart as a random effect. You might do a model just using Roundstart as a linear predictor to see how it compares.
mgcv has some nice plotting options. My preference is to create a grid of the x/y or easting/northing coordinates and predict your model to that grid
You could also do a Bayesian version using the brms package. The syntax would be nearly identical except that the function call would be brm instead of gam.
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
General Internal Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine
Duke Global Health Institute
-----Original Message-----
From: Sima Usvyatsov [mailto:ghiaco at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 5:15 PM
To: Ben Bolker <bbolker at gmail.com>
Cc: R-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME] spatial autocorrelation as random effect with count data
I was introduced today (by Roger Bivand) to the glmmTMB package that looks very exciting. As a co-author, I was wondering why you didn't suggest it - is there a reason it's a no-go in my situation? From a super quick read, and a very naive thinking, is this not equivalent to the gpmmPQL setup below?
mod1 <- glmmTMB(Count ~ Stratum + SiteInStratum + ...other predictors + # random variable
(1 | RoundStart) +
# autocorrelation
exp(site.Easting + site.Northing | RoundStart),
family = nbinom2, # or nbinom1 - I guess decide based on residuals?
correlation = corExp(form=~site.Easting + site.Northing + RoundStart)
where RoundStart is the time of starting sampling along the repeated, set, 20-point sampling grid, easting and northing are the 20 points' coords, Stratum is the allocation of the 20 sampling points to 5 strata and SiteInStratum is the 1:4 allocation within stratum.
This is my current setup:
mod1 <- glmmPQL(Count ~ Stratum + SiteInStratum + ...other predictors, random = ~ 1 |RoundStart, family = quasipoisson, correlation = corExp(form=~site.Easting + site.Northing + RoundStart)
I have INLA and GAMs on my to-do list for this year - sounds like really helpful ways to go about things, I just haven't gotten there yet...
Thank you so much!
On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 5:34 PM, Ben Bolker <bbolker at gmail.com> wrote:
> PS: depending on how badly you wanted this, it would be possible to
> what Doug Bates said (impose spatial dependence on the random effects
> for the 20 spatial points) via the modular machinery of glmer, but it
> would take some effort and knowledge ...
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Sima Usvyatsov <ghiaco at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am working on a spatially autocorrelated dataset with a negative
> > (count) response variable. I have been using the glmmPQL approach
> > but I seem to have a hard time fitting the fixed effects. I came
> > across
> > mention that one could build the spatial autocorrelation into a
> > random effect (
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__stat.ethz.ch_pipermail_r-2Dsig-2Dmixed-2Dmodels_2011q1_015364.html&d=DwICaQ&c=imBPVzF25OnBgGmVOlcsiEgHoG1i6YHLR0Sj_gZ4adc&r=pCiIbVPBNWU0azo0D48ChUH_fawb-FalNVOf1sUn1r4&m=ueQxw_NiRoOZc6904koetGkyojO7A7EYG2wnkc-_Q5o&s=inAqkRaPqS5USvZxt-SLYQqnz1nQJra1b8WGyXU9Gno&e= ).
> >
> >
> > I've done some searching but could not find a straightforward
> > example of this practice. I have 20 sampling locations (sampled
> > repeatedly to a
> > point dataset) and I know that there is spatial autocorrelation
> > between them (by looking at autocorrelation plots of a naive model).
> > The 20 grid points are clustered into 4 strata, and I am interested
> > in the strata effects (so would like to keep the strata as fixed).
> >
> > How would I go about expressing the spatial autocorrelation in this
> > In the future I'd like to explore GAMs for this application, but for
> > now I'm stuck with a GLM approach... I would love to be able to use
> > glmer() with a random effect that expresses spatial autocorrelation.
> >
> > Here's a fake dataset.
> >
> > library(MASS)
> >
> > df <- data.frame(Loc = as.factor(rep(1:20, each = 5)), Lat =
> > 30, 0.1), each = 5), Lon = rep(rnorm(20, -75, 1), each = 5), x =
> > rnegbin(100, 1, 1), Stratum = rep(1:5, each = 20))
> >
> > Thank you so much!
> >
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> >
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