[R-sig-ME] spatial autocorrelation as random effect with count data

Paul Buerkner paul.buerkner at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 00:22:01 CET 2018

Modelling spatial structures is always a bit more diffult that just calling
glmer() regardless of the way you go. Here is an example of how your may
fit your data using GAMMs in a Bayesian framework:

fit <- brm(x ~ Stratum + t2(Lat, Lon) + (1|Loc),
                data = df, family = negbinomial())

2018-01-10 23:46 GMT+01:00 Sima Usvyatsov <ghiaco at gmail.com>:

> Thanks for your replies, everyone.
> As for why I "choose" to stick with GLM - I have zero experience with GAM,
> and it's a time-sensitive analysis, so there's just a time x experience
> issue.
> It sounds like maybe the glmer() way is not the way to go...
> I'm also exploring the SpatialFilter approach to getting rid of nuisance
> spatial autocorrelation, but am running into computational issues - it
> _really_ doesn't like my dataset.
> If anyone on here has any experience, input would be welcome. I have
> already posted a SpatialFilter-specific question on the r-sig-geo mailing
> list (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2018-January/026282.html),
> although I managed to provide a toy dataset with a mistake in it.
> Either way, thank you! At least I can stop digging in this direction.
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