[R-sig-ME] TukeyHSD on aov(fit.lmer)
Schreiber, Stefan
Stefan.Schreiber at ales.ualberta.ca
Thu Jan 12 21:02:50 CET 2012
Hi all,
I have the following mixed model for my data (Thanks Ben!):
lmer.fit<- response ~ group*climate + (1|block) + (1|genotype) + (1|id)
Here's the summary:
Linear mixed model fit by REML
Formula: response ~ group*climate + (1|block) + (1|genotype) + (1|id)
Data: plc
AIC BIC logLik deviance REMLdev
1275 1325 -622 1296 1243
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
id (Intercept) 10.25 3.20
clone (Intercept) 2.75 1.66
rep (Intercept) 5.34 2.31
Residual 148.21 12.17
Number of obs: 168, groups: id, 56; genotype, 7; block, 5
Then I ran TukeyHSD(aov(lmer.fit)) and it gives me no error and an
output that "looks" ok. However, I am uncertain whether this is correct
to do, or not.
Here is an made up example:
I hope to get some advice on whether this is a valid thing to do.
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