[R-sig-ME] model comparison in glmmADMB

RH Gibson, School Biological Sciences Rachel.Gibson at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Mar 7 15:47:24 CET 2012

I am trying to compare two models to see whether the random effect is 
significant, using the anova command I get the following output:

> anova(m7,m8)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: xx ~ nsn * Insect.type + ara * Insect.type + 
Model 2: xx ~ nsn * Insect.type + ara * Insect.type + 
  NoPar  LogLik Df -2logQ P.value
1    12 -2427.4
2    11 -2427.9 -1  -0.96
Warning message:
In pchisq(q, df, lower.tail, log.p) : NaNs produced

Why might this be happening? Can I still use the log likelihood ratio as a 
comparison method? And more generally is this an appropriate test of the 
random effect?

The full models are as follows:

zeroInflation=TRUE, family="nbinom")
zeroInflation=TRUE, family="nbinom")

RH Gibson, School Biological Sciences
Rachel.Gibson at bristol.ac.uk

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