[R-meta] Fwd: About the coefficient in meta-regression analysis

英文科陳品誠 t571 @end|ng |rom w|g@h@tp@edu@tw
Tue Dec 19 15:31:01 CET 2023

Dear Michael and all,

       Thank you for the swift response. I do have some further questions
to ask.
       (a) So, in order to "remove" the intercept, what code should I use?
       (b) Let's say my research is about whether using digital games will
affect the result of English vocabulary acquisition or not. So as you said,
"... remove the intercept so each coefficient would then be tested for its
difference from zero." , does that mean if I rerun the code again with the
removal of intercept and presumably get an estimate of 0.3 from the
subgroup "eduH" and the p-value is less than 0.05. Can I say that "eduH has
a positive coefficient to English vocabulary acquisition"? If not, what
would the coefficient mean here (since there is no intercept to compare to)?

     Thanks again for your kindly help!
陳品誠 (Nick Chen)
Email: t571 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw <t5741 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw>

Michael Dewey <lists using dewey.myzen.co.uk> 於 2023年12月19日 週二 下午9:14寫道:

> Dear Nick
> Comments in line
> On 19/12/2023 11:51, 英文科陳品誠 via R-sig-meta-analysis wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >         This is part of my meta-regression analysis result after I use
> the
> > following code:
> >
> >> m.gen.edu <- metareg(m.gen, ~edu)
> >
> >      Model results:
> >                                 estimate  .....
> > intercept                0.6820   .....
> > eduH                      0.4590   ......
> > eduI                        -0.0834 ......
> > eduK                       0.5668 ........
> > eduS                       0.2473   .......
> >
> >       The *edu *here stands for the moderator "educational level" from my
> > dataset and the *eduH, eduI, eduK*, and *eduS* stands for different
> > subgroups. Does the 0.4590 here represent the coefficient of the subgroup
> > *eduH* ?
> In a model with an intercept each level is compared to a reference level
> so the value, 0.4590, is the difference estimated between group H and
> the reference group.
>   And is there a code to get the overall coefficient of the
> > moderator "educational level" rather than the individual coefficient of
> > each subgroup?
> The short answer is "No". You can do a test for the overall effect of
> educational level. You could also in a simple model like this remove the
> intercept so each coefficient would then be tested for its difference
> from zero.
> Michael
> >
> >   Nick Chen
> >
> > 陳品誠 (Nick Chen)
> > Email: t571 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw <t5741 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw>
> >
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> >
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> --
> Michael

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