[R-meta] rma.mv for studies reporting composite of and/or individual subscales

Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP) wo||g@ng@v|echtb@uer @end|ng |rom m@@@tr|chtun|ver@|ty@n|
Wed Nov 24 19:22:18 CET 2021

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Timothy MacKenzie [mailto:fswfswt using gmail.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 November, 2021 19:18
>To: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP)
>Cc: R meta
>Subject: Re: rma.mv for studies reporting composite of and/or individual
>>rma.mv(es ~ reporting:X1, vi, random = list(~1| study, ~ reporting |
>>obs), struct = "DIAG", subset = include == "yes")
>Not sure what X1 is, but yes, this could be a plausible model,
>allowing for different within-study variances for 'subscale' versus
>'composite' estimates.
>>>>>X1 is a moderator but I think I should keep X1 separate between studies for
>which we have used their composite result and studies for which we have used
>their subscale results, no?

That's up to you or one could empirically examine if the association between X1 and es is different for the two types.


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