[R-SIG-Mac] obsolete LaTeX software in "R CMD check" on Mac?

Marc Schwartz m@rc_@chw@rtz @end|ng |rom me@com
Wed May 13 15:44:58 CEST 2020


I will stand to be corrected, but from what I can tell, 'realpath' is not part of a default macOS installation, and would need to be installed from a third party repo (e.g. homebrew). 

There appear to be shell script incantations that would accomplish the same functionality, but in the end, in the absence of these approaches, there is not an easy way, under a standard macOS install, to trace through the layers of symlinks to the target file.

You can also do this manually via the Finder, by right clicking on the symlink and using Show Original to navigate as well.

Also, note that under Catalina, the default shell changed from bash to zsh.



> On May 13, 2020, at 9:00 AM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <el using lisse.NA> wrote:
> Marc,
> this is not necessarily correct, it can be a symlink, hence my suggestion of
> 	realpath $(which pdflatex)
> which will give you the final executable, in my case
> 	/usr/local/texlive/2020basic/bin/x86_64-darwin/pdftex
> But, I agree, this looks like an ancient installation :-0-O
> el
> On 13/05/2020 14:16, Marc Schwartz via R-SIG-Mac wrote:
>> Spencer,
>> FWIW, this may be a situation where you need to remove your
>> current/older installations of TeXLive and start fresh with a clean
>> install of TeXLive 2020.  It is possible that there is some conflict
>> or corruption of the current multiple installations.
>> That 'which pdflatex' is pointing directly to an executable in
>> /usr/local/bin, rather than to a symlink in the TeXLive tree, suggests
>> that there is something amiss with your installation.
>> There are two primary folder trees that would need to be removed:
>>  /Library/TeX
>> and 
>>  /usr/local/texlive
>> The former path will show in Finder, but the latter will not, unless
>> you have hidden folders set to show.  If not, then you can use the
>> Finder menu option:
>>  Go -> Go to Folder
>> and enter:
>>  /usr/local
>> That will then show you the texlive folder, which you can then right
>> click on and delete.
>> Both folder trees will require your Admin password to delete.
>> Once you do this, if you elect to do so, you will then need to
>> re-install TeXLive 2020 and hopefully start fresh.
>> Regards,
>> Marc Schwartz
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