[R-SIG-Mac] Catalina Crashes R

Bob Rudis bob @end|ng |rom rud@|@
Tue Jun 2 03:47:18 CEST 2020

On 10.15.5 Beta (the one after the GA folks might have),

   scatter3d(prestige ~ income + education, data=Duncan, id=list(n=3))

(the example)

works perfectly.

Did you reinstall XQuartz? Unfortunately, that is kind of "a thing"
one has to do after every x.y.z release of macOS if you care at all
abt stability these days.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 8:13 PM Spencer Graves
<spencer.graves using prodsyse.com> wrote:
>        I have 10.15.4, and I don't notice any serious problems.  I just
> did "install.packages('KernSmooth')" and "help(pac='KernSmooth')" to
> look at the DESCRIPTION file, without a problem.
>        Spencer Graves
> On 2020-05-21 09:49, Joseph Vanterpool wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Yesterday, I started using the John Hopkins course that includes R training. I currently have a Mac with Catalina (Version 10.15.4).
> >
> > For simple examples, they have you install and load KernSmooth to view the copyright date. The first time I tried this, the installation was fine, but loading didn’t work. I tried a second time and it worked.
> >
> > I noticed on the forum that other people had similar problems, though were further along in their use of R. Have these problems been resolved?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Joseph
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