[R-SIG-Mac] bug on Rcmdr Mac OS X

Frank Harrell f.harrell at vanderbilt.edu
Sat Dec 30 14:35:11 CET 2017

Sorry for the problem.  I hope the new Hmisc will be on CRAN about Jan. 3.

Frank E Harrell Jr      Professor      School of Medicine

Department of *Biostatistics*      *Vanderbilt University*

On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 6:34 PM, Fox, John <jfox at mcmaster.ca> wrote:

> Dear Frédéric Pamoukdjian,
> This problem results from the failure of the RcmdrMisc package to load,
> produced by an incompatibility with version 4.1-0 of the Hmisc package,
> which was briefly on CRAN, but then withdrawn and reverted to version
> 4.0-3. The macOS binary of the Hmisc package is still at version 4.1-0,
> however, producing the problem.
> You have the following options:
> (1) If you have the necessary tools, install Hmisc from the sources on
> CRAN, e.g., via the command install.packages("Hmisc", type="source") .
> (2) Wait until the macOS binary for Hmisc on CRAN catches up with the
> source package and then install the binary, install.packages("Hmisc").
> (3) Be even more patient, and wait until an updated version of Hmisc
> (either version 4.1-0 resubmitted or 4.1-1) appears on CRAN, and install it
> along with what will be the compatible version 1.0-7 of the RcmdrMisc
> package, which I've already submitted to CRAN, to be released when the new
> Hmisc appears.
> I hope that this helps,
>  John
> -----------------------------
> John Fox, Professor Emeritus
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> Web: socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: R-SIG-Mac [mailto:r-sig-mac-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of
> > frederic pamoukdjian
> > Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 3:26 PM
> > To: r-sig-mac at r-project.org
> > Subject: [R-SIG-Mac] bug on Rcmdr Mac OS X
> >
> > Dear friends,
> >
> > I’m working on Max OSX 10.13.2 with the latest version of R and the
> latest
> > version of X quartz
> >
> > When i launch R then Rcmdr, i have a bug for the first time in Mac that
> i use to
> > have
> >
> > This is the message from R:
> > > library(Rcmdr)
> > Le chargement a nécessité le package : splines Le chargement a nécessité
> le
> > package : RcmdrMisc Le chargement a nécessité le package : car Le
> > chargement a nécessité le package : sandwich
> > Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘RcmdrMisc’:
> >  l'objet ‘print.rcorr’ n'est pas exporté par 'namespace:Hmisc'
> > Erreur : le package ‘RcmdrMisc’ ne peut être chargé
> >
> > I’m sure that RcmdrMisc is download from cran binaries and Hmisc too
> >
> > I don’t understand what’s happened
> >
> > Please help me !!!
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Frédéric Pamoukdjian
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