[R-SIG-Mac] Problems to install a package

peter dalgaard pdalgd at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 15:57:19 CEST 2015

On 03 Aug 2015, at 15:10 , Berend Hasselman <bhh at xs4all.nl> wrote:

>> On 03-08-2015, at 13:59, peter dalgaard <pdalgd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have now tried doctoring $RHOME/etc/Makeconf to use a MacPorts build of gfortran-4.8 that I had lying around, and lo and behold: It does source installs of nleqslv, geigen, QZ, rms with no trouble at all.
> Good to know that.
>> So I think the finger is pointing at the binaries on r.research.att.com/libs.
> Indeed as was confirmed by Simon last year here https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mac/2014-May/010895.html
> I can use the binary of r.research.att.com/libs since I now have a more modern Mac with an i5 cpu.
> I did some searching and found the following:
> http://coudert.name/software.html
> and https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortranBinaries#MacOS
> Might be a good idea to try these versions of gfortran too on a C2D.

Yes. However, I'll have to worry about overwriting and possibly breaking my build environment with 3.2.2 coming out next Friday (Simon's binary package rather carefully installs gfortran-4.8, but not gfortran, I believe. Won't know about the others until I try them.). So, not on this machine.

> Maybe the CRAN R could be built with one of these  gfortran binaries avoiding the need to compile an R provided gfortran and distributed on r.research.att.com/libs.

I haven't seen evidence that there is a problem with the CRAN binaries of anything and we still need to provide gfortran somehow for people who need to build from source. What we could try is to compile 4.8 on a C2D or cross-compile it for that architecture. I think that the latter is doable, but I don't recall the details (gcc --target ?).


> But that is beyond me and I have no idea about possible issues doing it.
> Berend

Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: (+45)38153501
Office: A 4.23
Email: pd.mes at cbs.dk  Priv: PDalgd at gmail.com

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