[R-SIG-Mac] cairoDevice package on mac os install failure

Mark Heckmann mark.heckmann at gmx.de
Sun Dec 20 19:27:51 CET 2009

Hi all,

the cairoDevice package is not available as a binary on CRAN right now.
I tried to compile it from source, which renders the following:

	mark-heckmanns-macbook:~ markheckmann$ R CMD INSTALL  
	* installing to library ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/ 
	* installing *source* package ‘cairoDevice’ ...
	checking for pkg-config... pkg-config
	ERROR: gtk+2.0 not found by pkg-config.
	ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘cairoDevice’
	* removing ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/ 

1) Is there a manual way to fix this as GTK+2.0 is installed?
2) Will there be a fix in the future?


Mark Heckmann
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. cand. Psych.
Vorstraße 93 B01
28359 Bremen
Blog: www.markheckmann.de
R-Blog: http://ryouready.wordpress.com

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