[R-SIG-Mac] curve does not work well??

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Mon Jun 16 12:48:15 CEST 2008

On 16/06/2008 6:07 AM, Peng Jiang wrote:
> hi,
> I use the example code from a R book ,
>  > x = rnorm( 100 )
>  > hist( x, probability = TRUE, col = gray(.9), main="normal mu = 0 ,  
> sigma = 1") #this works well
>  > curve( dnorm(x),add =T) # but this does not work and it gives a  
> warning .
> I am using Leopard and does anybody has ever met the problem?

What warning do you get?  This is probably not Mac related, but the 
error might tell us differently.  It would also help if you printed the 
result of sessionInfo(), to show R versions, etc.

Duncan Murdoch

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