[R-SIG-Mac] Install issues and R CMD INSTALL error

Ken Nussear knussear at usgs.gov
Tue Jan 22 15:31:36 CET 2008

Hi All

I'm trying to get spgrass6 installed and working on my system. I'm  
running R 2.6.1 and R gui 1.23 - devel (4901) and Mac OS 10.5.1

I got the required package rgdal (binary) from the kingchaos site and  
that installed fine. I checked the "At System Level in R framework)  
option". Then I got the spgrass 6 source and did a source install,  
which appeared to run fine. I can load both the rgdal and the spgrass6  
package in the package manager, or with a library call when using R  
within RGUI.

However, my understanding of the process is that I should be running R  
via the command line from within GRASS in order to link the two to run  
the stats I need. When I try to load the libraries from R within GRASS  
I get the following errors:

 > library(rgdal)
Error in library(rgdal) : there is no package called 'rgdal'

 > library(spgrass6)
Error in library(spgrass6) : there is no package called 'spgrass6'

So somehow these packages are being installed somewhere that the  
commanline R cannot see. Since I cannot seem to find out where this is  
I decided to try to re-install these libraries.

So when I try to run the install I get.....

 > R CMD INSTALL /Users/knussear/Downloads/spgrass6_0.4-4.tar.gz
Error: unexpected symbol in "R CMD"

so now I'm pretty stuck on both fronts!

Does anyone know of a solution?



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