[R-SIG-Mac] Another error

David Kaplan dkaplan at education.wisc.edu
Tue Apr 8 22:13:53 CEST 2008

Hi, I loaded 'foreign' to read in a .sav file directly using read.spss.  
Came up with this message.
Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Warning messages:
1: package 'foreign' was built under R version 2.6.2
2: package 'poLCA' was built under R version 2.6.2
3: In read.spss("~/Desktop/math1.sav") :
  ~/Desktop/math1.sav: File-indicated character representation code 
(1252) looks like a Windows codepage
4: In read.spss("~/Desktop/math1.sav") :
  ~/Desktop/math1.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 16 
encountered in system file
5: In read.spss("~/Desktop/math1.sav") :
  ~/Desktop/math1.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 20 
encountered in system file

David Kaplan, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Educational Sciences, Room, 1061
1025 W. Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53706

email: dkaplan at education dot wisc dot edu
Phone: 608-262-0836

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