[R-SIG-Mac] Can I disable brace completion in console?

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Wed May 23 22:29:37 CEST 2007

On May 23, 2007, at 3:55 PM, Roberto Osorio wrote:

> I can't find a preference to disable brace completion in the  
> console in R 2.5.0 GUI 1.19.

Unfortunately it didn't make it to the Preferences UI, so you have to  
paste this in Terminal:

defaults write org.R-project.R auto.close.parens NO

If you want to revert back to the default you can use:

defaults delete org.R-project.R auto.close.parens

> More precisely, I'm referring to the new feature that automatically  
> adds the right brace (or bracket or parenthesis) when the left one  
> is typed. Nice when you type from left to right, but inconvenient  
> when you edit the same or previous lines. At least using something  
> like "Cmd - {" to override it would be nice.

Sounds reasonable. I'll see if we can add that...

BTW: would it be helpful to have the ability to enable/disable brace  
completion separately for the console and the editor?


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