[R-SIG-Mac] RGUI 1.19: closing help window problem; Auto-Pair, auto-completion suggestions

J ö rg Beyer Beyerj at students.uni-marburg.de
Sun Apr 29 14:46:34 CEST 2007


I can confirm the "window release and focus" problem for:
  PowerMac G4/400 [PPC] -- Mac OS X 10.4.9 -- R 2.4.1 -- R.app 1.18 (4038)

It is definitely present in R.app for R 2.4.1, but I vaguely remember that I
noticed this behavior earlier.

> Hi,
> I just installed RGUI 1.19. It is really well done! Thanks a lot!
> I have three tiny things:
> 1) If I type e.g. '?mean' the help window appears. Fine. I type APPLE
> +W to close it (or with the mouse). It closes.
> But: If I want to type my next command, I cannot because the focus is
> not set to the R.app console. (Maybe this could be implemented?)
> OK. I press APPLE+` to select the R.app console BUT now the help

Did you change that shortcut? The default is Cmd-1/Apple-1, or am I missing
BTW, the typical behavior of an OS X-application is that the focus returns
to the next open window if you close the active one, so you don't expect
something very exotic.

> window appears again!
> If I use the mouse clicking into the console it works well. But I'm
> usually a keyboard user.
> I'm using R 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) GUI 1.19 (4308) on Mac G5 10.4.9 PPC

Some additional comments:

(1) The closed (a.k.a. 'released') window also reappears if you use "Cmd-<"
(the system-wide shortcut to cycle through all open windows of the active

(2) The behavior in question is not restricted to the help window -- at
least the workspace browser/manager and the package manager are affected,

(3) The behavior in question shows some irregularities, e.g. the question
which windows reappear seems to be partly related to the question in which
order windows have been opened (sorry, I can't provide more precise

(4) Dialogs can be affected, too. Example: Open the help window, and search
for something that can't be found, e.g. 'Hurz'. You will get a dialog that
asks you how to proceed. Choose "No" to close it (or is it "Cancel" in the
English GUI?). 
Although I can't reproduce it now, I have often seen this dialog reappear
for whatever reason during the last few month. And if it reappears, it is
crippled: No message, only one button, and no chance to get rid of it at




Jörg Beyer 
PHILIPPS-University Marburg
Dept. of Psychology

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