[R-SIG-Mac] Building package to use OpeNDAP libraries

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Thu Apr 20 23:27:52 CEST 2006

Thanks Simon.

Everything fell into place when I compiled the OPeNDAP libraries from 
source, using gcc 3.3, so in this case a match is necessary.


At 5:00 PM -0400 4/20/06, Simon Urbanek wrote:
>On Apr 20, 2006, at 3:17 PM, Don MacQueen wrote:
>>I trying to help someone install a package that uses the OpeNDAP
>>-- 1 --
>>The current R binary on CRAN was built with gcc_select 3.3 in place
>>(or 3.something, at least) ?
>>(both the powerpc version, and the universal version if installed on
>>a powerpc machine?)
>Yes. This will change for R 2.3.0 (see the nightly builds).
>>-- 2 --
>>Regardless of any other issues, this compiler version mismatch will 
>>prevent us from building a working package. Right?
>Not necessarily. If OpeNDAP libraries use ABIs that don't differ 
>between 3.3. and 4.0 then it should work. Note that you still have 
>to compile the R package with gcc 3.x, however the library it is 
>linking to doesn't always have to be compiled with gcc 3.x.

Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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