[R-SIG-Mac] problem with options("pkgType") in a home-built R 2.2.0

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Sat Oct 15 01:02:34 CEST 2005

One of the nice things about R is that there is always a variety of 
ways to solve problems.

I thought about setting options in a profile file, but as it happens, 
most of my package installation activity takes place right after I 
install a new version of R, and, having a long list, I use a script. 
Specifying the type was painless, once I realized I had to do it. 
Thereafter, I don't do package installations very often, so it's not 
much burden.

Much as I like Apple's OS, when using R, I *prefer* X11 for several 
features it has that Apple will probably never implement in its own 
user interface. So I don't to think of it as backward at all.

Thanks for offering a good example Rprofile.site.


At 3:29 PM -0700 10/14/05, Jan de Leeuw wrote:
>No need to set type to course every time you use it.
>This is what I have in Rprofile.site. I use R from
>Emacs or Terminal, so quartz() is useless and I
>joyfully travel back to the eighties with X11 and
>        options(device="x11")
>        options(repos="http://cran.r-project.org")
>        options(pkgType="source")
>        old <- getOption("defaultPackages")
>        options(defaultPackages = c(old, "tcltk"))
>      })
>.First <- function() cat("\n   Welcome to Jan's R-2.3.0 !\n\n")
>On Oct 14, 2005, at 15:18 , Don MacQueen wrote:
>>I decided to live with having to set type to 'source' each time I use
>>it; it's not that much of an extra burden. I'd suggest building
>>without aqua and finding out if that sets the default back to
>Jan de Leeuw; Distinguished Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of 
>Editor: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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