[R-SIG-Mac] Fwd: Crash when trying to save Quartz window as PDF

Xochitl Morgan morganx at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Dec 1 20:47:16 CET 2005

I tested with the R.app GUI  (R-GUI-Debug) from the web page you  
mentioned.  I used the one under "Built for R 2.2.x" because the one  
for 2.3.x didn't work with my R and I didn't see an R 2.3 at cran.r- 
project.org to download.  This also crashed when presented with the  
same problem.  I have attached my bug report.

> quartz.save("plot.pdf",type="pdf")
The quartz.save command did save without crashing, but the PDF it  
produced was of a decidedly odd phenotype with backwards blue writing  
over a large part of it.  If you don't know what I mean, I'd be happy  
to send that along also.

If I can do anything else to help, I'd be glad to.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at r-project.org>
> Date: December 1, 2005 9:17:42 AM CST
> To: Xochitl Morgan <morganx at mail.utexas.edu>
> Cc: R-SIG-Mac at r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Mac] Crash when trying to save Quartz window as  
> On Nov 30, 2005, at 7:13 PM, Xochitl Morgan wrote:
>> My R (Version 2.2.0) has been crashing quite reliably when I try  
>> to save my Quartz window of graphs as a PDF.   If it makes any  
>> difference, my OS is 10.4.3.
> Can you, please, test a more recent version of the R.app GUI?  
> Preferably the most recent debug version obtainable from
> http://research.att.com/~urbanek/R/
> (bottom of the page). There was an issue with saving files in  
> general when non-ASCII characters were used that was fixed  
> recently. If it's an another issue, please send us the crash report  
> based on the debug version.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> PS: does the same problem occur when using:
> quartz.save("plot.pdf",type="pdf")
> instead?

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