[R-SIG-Mac] R.app crash report (very minor)

Michael Herron Michael.C.Herron at Dartmouth.EDU
Thu Apr 21 22:14:58 CEST 2005


>> > update.packages()
>> --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
>> Error in inherits(x, "factor") : Object "res" not found
>> This error is new to me.  I have compiled R on a number of OS X 
>> machines in the past and have not seen it.
> The subject of your mail differs substantially from the error you 
> describe - the above is an error message in R and hence has nothing to 
> do with R.app.
> Can you, please, be more specific as of how exactly you compiled R 
> (with tcl/tk or without - aqua or X11 ...), which versions you use (R, 
> R.app 1.01/1.02/1.10, SVN release number, ..) and how you ran it 
> (Terminal, emacs, R.app, ...)? That information is really necessary in 
> order to track it down, because there are simply too many 
> possibilities to build and run R on the Mac nowadays (and we didn't 
> release an official reference binary yet).

Here is the top of my config.log:

It was created by R configure 2.1.0, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.59.  Invocation command line was

   $ ./configure --with-blas=-framework vecLib --with-lapack --with-aqua 
--enable-R-shlib --with-tcltk --with-lapack

I have the error from Terminal and from xemacs running ESS; I have not 
run R.app.  In fact, after making and installing R I do not seem to 
have R.app in /Applications.  I have never checked on this, to be 
honest, since I use R only from within xemacs.

What else can I tell you that would be helpful?



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