[R-SIG-Mac] browser search

Paul Rathouz prathouz at health.bsd.uchicago.edu
Sun Jul 20 11:57:04 MEST 2003

The *.html based documentation is great, but the accompanying search
engine does not appear to work in either Safari or in Nescape 7.1 (it
hangs Netscape, and nothing happens in Safari).

I am wondering if anyone has found a solution to this problem.  I noticed
a recent discussion on problems with packages and wonder if it is related.

-- pr

Paul Rathouz, Asst. Professor        ph   773-834-1970
Dept. of Health Studies, Rm. W-264   fax  773-702-1979
University of Chicago                prathouz at health.bsd.uchicago.edu
5841 S. Maryland Ave. MC 2007
Chicago, IL  60637

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