[R-gui] further on the Rcmdr package

Philippe Grosjean phgrosjean at sciviews.org
Tue May 20 03:50:55 MEST 2003

I am away in a symposium, so, I could not check your issues myself. However, I also experience the problem of Tcl/Tk dialog boxes appearing behind RGui. Apparently, RGui and Tcl run in separate processes and Windows consider they are two unrelated applications.

I would like to support your various dialog boxes in SciViews. It will require very minor adjustments, and you will got a MDI with better behaviour of TclTk dialog boxes under Windows.


Philippe Grosjean

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: John Fox <jfox at mcmaster.ca>
Date:  Mon, 19 May 2003 21:05:47 -0400

>Dear R-Gui list members,
>I've posted another version of the Rcmdr package to my web site, at 
>Changes include many more input-error checks and improvements to a number 
>of dialogs, including e.g. the ability to specify a subsetting expression 
>for models.
>A partly unresolved issue is the problem raised by Dirk Eddelbuettel on 
>Sunday: Dirk found that both the R session and the Commander windows locked 
>up after the Rcmdr package was loaded on his Debian Linux system. Following 
>Dirk's suggestion, I've added an option to Rcmdr to call tkwait until the 
>Commander window is closed. Apparently this solves the problem that Dirk 
>experienced, but an unfortunate consequence is that the command prompt in 
>the R session is disabled until the Commander window is closed. Although 
>this isn't a fatal problem -- commands can still be entered through the 
>GUI, including via the log/script window -- it would be nice to be able to 
>enter commands directly at the command prompt as well. I can do this when 
>the call to tkwait is bypassed on Windows systems and on my Red Hat Linux 
>system. Since no one else reported the problem, I assume that the package 
>also works without the call to tkwait on a number of other systems.
>I'd appreciate some information and advice from those more experienced with 
>Tcl/Tk than I. In particular, why does the call to tkwait appear necessary 
>on at least one system but not on others? Is there a better way to resolve 
>the issue than to provide an option?
>Another, though smaller, unresolved issue has to do with my inability to 
>use the Rcmdr package (or any tcltk-based code) with R under the MDI in 
>Windows. Can anyone tell me what the source of the problem is (that is, why 
>dialog boxes won't stay in front of the R-GUI window)? Is it likely that 
>the problem will be fixed? I actually prefer the SDI, but notice that most 
>of my students like the MDI, which is the default when the Windows 
>distribution of R is installed.
>As usual, comments and suggestions are appreciated. I expect that I'll 
>submit a version of the Rcmdr package to CRAN soon.
>Thanks for your help,
>  John
>John Fox
>Department of Sociology
>McMaster University
>Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
>email: jfox at mcmaster.ca
>phone: 905-525-9140x23604
>web: www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox
>R-SIG-GUI mailing list
>R-SIG-GUI at stat.math.ethz.ch

 ) ) ) ) )      
( ( ( ( (       Philippe Grosjean 
( ( ( ( ( 	Marine Biol. Lab., ULB, Belgium 
 ) ) ) ) )	Mariculture & Biostatistic  
( ( ( ( (               	           		     
 ) ) ) ) )	SciViews project coordinator
( ( ( ( ( 	(http://www.sciviews.org)	    
 ) ) ) ) )	email:phgrosje at ulb.ac.be 
( ( ( ( (                     	        


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