[R-gui] basic-statistics GUI for R

John Fox jfox at mcmaster.ca
Tue May 13 10:05:24 MEST 2003

Dear Martin,

At 10:02 AM 5/13/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>Thanks a lot! {finally something I can try on Linux! ;-)}
>I think your general concept --- work with one *active dataset*
>makes very much sense when a "simple easy GUI" is the goal.
>A few notes from playing (on Linux):
>- I miss the [Quit] or [Close] option in the [File] menu.

This was just laziness. I'll add a [Close] item and prompt for saving the log.

>- I'm running with R-patched and seem unable to get a dataset
>   from an attached package via the 1st entry of  [File].
>   The error message is a bit embarassing (I don't know for whom):
>   >> Warning: The use of _ is soon to be removed: you will be warned 
> repeatedly
>   >> Warning: The use of _ is soon to be removed: you will be warned 
> repeatedly
>   >> Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : parse error

Needless to say, none of this happens under Windows. Since I want the 
package to be portable across platforms, this is distressing.

I never use underscores, and so the warnings shouldn't originate from my 
code!  The only line in the function called by [File] -> [Read data set 
from an attached package] that involves a parse is

         check <- try(eval(parse(text=logger(paste("data(", dsnameValue, 
")", sep="")))),

and an error here should have been intercepted. It's hard to debug this by 
long distance, but I wonder if I could impose on you to try two things?

(1) get a traceback

(2) try to read data via [File] -> [Read data set from text file], which 
invokes read.table().

>- Hence I couldn't try much else but the [Distribution] menu
>   which was quite nice.

Not terribly exciting in the absence of data, I'm afraid.

>- I wonder if the  [Data] and [File] menus shouldn't be merged
>   or organized differently.
>   To play with Rcmdr, I'd want to load a standard dataset, i.e.
>   [File] -> [Read data set from attached package].
>   But then, the  *list* of available data sets is not available
>   there, but from the  [Data] menu only.

The general rationale was to put input and output operations under the File 
menu and other operations on data sets in the Data menu. I wouldn't want to 
merge the menus, but organizing them differently might make sense, even if 
it's only to duplicate one or two menu items.

>- "R CMD check Rcmdr"  (using R-patched on Linux) was ok apart
>   from the fact that many files had "wrong permissions", namely
>   they had the "x" (execution) flag set -- typical for files
>   created in windows.
>   To fix permissions for R packages, recently, Tony (Rossini)
>   posted a small sh-script to one of the Bioconductor lists --
>   which I have slightly improved and attach here.
>## Fix R permissions (unix shell script)
>find . -type d -print | xargs chmod 755
>find . -type f -a \! -name configure -print | xargs chmod 644

I guess that I should add this information to my web page for Linux/Unix 
users (until the package is ready for contribution to CRAN).

>BTW, I started  "library(Rcmdr)"  from ESS  which is a bit
>awkward, but I'm sure nobody in your target audience will have
>this problem! ;-)
>But in any case, for a non-Windows environment (maybe even
>unconditionally for consistency ?),
>I think you (Rcmdr) should set
>    options(pager = tkpager)
>such that clicking the [Help] button will use a nice tcltk pager
>[Note that you should keep the previous pager setting and reset the
>  pager to that, once Rcmdr is left]

I like compiled html help in Windows, so perhaps I should add a switch 
determining whether one of the Windows help options is set, and use the 
tkpager otherwise.

Thank you very much for your comments,


John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
email: jfox at mcmaster.ca
phone: 905-525-9140x23604
web: www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox

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