[R--gR] deal: applying the network

Claus Dethlefsen / Aalborg Sygehus aas.claus.dethlefsen at nja.dk
Sat Mar 25 14:13:05 CET 2006

Dear Sam
Deal supports the .net format for Bayesian networks, which can be read by Hugin. There is a (free) light version of Hugin which can be used for 'toy examples'. However, there are many other software packages, some of which also support the .net format, see
Deal has only the 'learning' capability and inference must be done using methods outside of 'deal'.
Claus Dethlefsen, Msc, PhD
Statistiker ved Kardiovaskulært Forskningscenter

Forskningens Hus
Aalborg Sygehus 
Sdr. Skovvej 15
9000 Aalborg

Tlf:   9932 6863
email: aas.claus.dethlefsen at nja.dk <mailto:aas.claus.dethlefsen at nja.dk> 


Fra: r-sig-gr-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch på vegne af Sam Steingold
Sendt: ti 21-03-2006 17:34
Til: Claus Dethlefsen / Aalborg Sygehus
Cc: r-sig-gr at stat.math.ethz.ch
Emne: Re: [R--gR] deal: applying the network

Dear Claus

> * Claus Dethlefsen / Aalborg Sygehus <nnf.pynhf.qrguyrsfra at awn.qx> [2006-03-21 09:24:28 +0100]:
> To use the trained network together with evidence, you need to
> transfer the network to Hugin.

but hugin is a commercial product.
are you saying that I cannot use the network built by deal without buying

how do I evaluate a network built by deal?
e.g., the residuals? error rate (for discrete nodes)?

> There is no way to incremently update the network, so you would need
> to relearn the whole thing unfortunately.


Sam Steingold (http://www.podval.org/~sds) on Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz)
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