[R--gR] deal: genlatex fails

Sam Steingold sds at podval.org
Tue Mar 21 20:13:37 CET 2006

I get this:

> genlatex(search)
Error in if (x == 1) return("\\footnotesize{$1$}") : 
	argument is of length zero

search is returned by autosearch.
the same error with the return value of heuristic.

%% generated automatically Tue Mar 21 14:05:50 2006 - Don't edit by hand
%% A master file:
%% documentclass{article}
%% usepackage{array,pictex}
%% egin{document}
%% input{scoretable}
%% end{document}
\vspace{-1.8cm}\footnotesize{$ 380.0  $}\\

note "^H" instead of "b" above.

other questions:

--- is there a way to _prescribe_ arrows (the inverse of banlist)?
    I do not want to use the gui (drawnetwork), I want something more
    command-line oriented.

--- how do I print a network to the printer?
    all I can see now is plot() + print screen.


Sam Steingold (http://www.podval.org/~sds) on Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz)
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