[R--gR] deal: applying the network

Sam Steingold sds at podval.org
Tue Mar 21 17:34:30 CET 2006

Dear Claus

> * Claus Dethlefsen / Aalborg Sygehus <nnf.pynhf.qrguyrsfra at awn.qx> [2006-03-21 09:24:28 +0100]:
> To use the trained network together with evidence, you need to
> transfer the network to Hugin.

but hugin is a commercial product.
are you saying that I cannot use the network built by deal without buying

how do I evaluate a network built by deal?
e.g., the residuals? error rate (for discrete nodes)?

> There is no way to incremently update the network, so you would need
> to relearn the whole thing unfortunately.


Sam Steingold (http://www.podval.org/~sds) on Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz)
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