[R-sig-Geo] Shiny app for Spatial Econometric classes

Raphael Saldanha r|@@|d@nh@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jul 7 23:09:50 CEST 2021

Hello all!

Me and Professor Eduardo Almeida (UFJF, Brazil) are creating an R Shiny app for Spatial Econometric classes. The app is called Tobler and currently offers some tests and estimation of cross-section and panel models.

The app is hosted at shinyapps: https://rfsaldanha.shinyapps.io/tobler/ 

The code is open at GitHub: https://github.com/rfsaldanha/tobler 

All suggestions are welcome!

Best regards,

Raphael Saldanha
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Brazil
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