[R-sig-Geo] Loading Rasters in Revolution R

Ista Zahn istazahn at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 01:59:42 CEST 2014

Sounds like a question for Revolution...


On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Jefferson Ferreira-Ferreira
<jecogeo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm wondering how to load rasters as xdf files using rxImport. I have a big
> raster with 9 layers/bands and I need to do perform a logistic regression
> for each pixel throughout bands. So It's a huge processing, and why I'm
> testing Revolution R Enterprise.
> However I don't know how to import as xdf files to perform parallel
> processing inside it. Almost blogs and tutorials deals with ordinary csv
> files.
> Could anybody give me any guidance?
> Regards
> --
> *Jefferson Ferreira-Ferreira*
> Geógrafo – GEOPROCESSAMENTO IDSM | Coordenadoria de TI
> Jefferson.ferreira at mamiraua.org.br
> *Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá*
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