[R-sig-Geo] gstat fit.variogram, attr(fit.1,"SSErr")

Kerry Ritter kerryr at sccwrp.org
Mon Aug 23 17:45:17 CEST 2010

Hi. I am using library "gstat" in R.  My question is why do I get 
different SSErr's when I fit the variogram model using fit.variogram 
than when I fix the parameters in fit.variogram using the exact same 
parameters obtained from the first fit.  My expectation is that these 
would be the same.  What is SSErr actually calculating?

Kerry Ritter, Ph.D.
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
3535 Harbor Blvd., Suite 110

work: 714-755-3210
cell: 714-420-3346
fax:  714-755-3299

email: kerryr at sccwrp.org

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