[R-sig-Geo] Package for automatic interpolation

Edzer Pebesma edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de
Wed Mar 12 14:22:47 CET 2008

I agree with Thomas that seeing a warning is a worry. If Paul's automap 
takes care of singular fits by discarding them, it should try to hide 
the warning for the user, because otherwise it will worry them. I see 
that the warning is issued by the C code in gstat, and will rethink 
about how a wrapper function at the R level should be able to suppress it.

Thanks for sharing automap with this list!

Paul Hiemstra wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> The automatic fitting procedure checks a range of possible variogram 
> models, including Spherical, Exponential, Gaussian and Matern models. 
> Each of these models could lead to a singular model fit. The fitting 
> function in gstat (fit.variogram) says the following on singular model fits:
> ...

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