[R-sig-Geo] world map data

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Dec 16 19:22:53 CET 2008

2008/12/16 Dave Lunn <david.lunn at mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk>:
> Hi all,
> Sorry if this is a dumb question.... I'm trying to produce a world map
> showing WinBUGS useage from the data collected at the mrc-bsu web-site. I've
> been trying to use the map + mapdata packages but was surprised to find that
> the geography of the world map seemed a little out-of-date, being specified
> in terms of USSR and Yugoslavia, for instance. I wondered if there was a
> more up-to-date version available somewhere??
> Best wishes + many thanks for any help you can give...

 Is this for print or web purposes? If for a web page, I'd use
OpenLayers to overlay your points on one of the publicly available
world maps, such as OpenStreetMap. Then you'd have a zoomable slippy
map on your page for people to interact with.


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