[R-sig-Geo] CAR model in spdep?

Rima Izem rizem at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Feb 16 22:00:53 CET 2007

I teach a spatial stat course, and I used S+ spatial package for areal 
data analysis in the past. I am switching to R this year and I was 
hoping to use spdep or other R libraries.

The description of spdep in R lists both SAR and CAR as models fitted by 
the library. As far as I could tell, the sarlm sequence (summary.sarlm, 
residuals.sarlm, predict.sarlm..etc) presents  output of a SAR model fit 
and there is nothing for CAR. I could not find a built-in function in R 
for fitting the spatial CAR model in other R libraries either, am I 
missing something?

Thanks in advance,


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