[R-sig-genetics] Landscape Genomics in R course

i@io m@iii@g oii phys@ii@-courses@org i@io m@iii@g oii phys@ii@-courses@org
Wed Apr 13 10:30:54 CEST 2022

Dear all,
there are still a few seats available for the Landscape Genomics in R course.
Dates: online, 13th-17th June
Course website: [ https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/course17/ ]( https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/course17/ ) 
The course will provide an overview of the type of dataset that can be used for a landscape genomics analysis. Firstly, students will learn how to obtain environmental data from publicly available databases, how to process it with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and how to use the latter to produce indicators able to describe the characteristics of the landscape. Next, the course will discuss the different approaches to obtain genetic data and subsequently show how to study genetic variation and population structure across space in the R environment. Students will be given an overview of the different statistical approaches to study local adaptation, and will be trained in using two of them, Sambada and LFMM. The course will also cover the critical task of the interpretation and validation of the results. Finally, the workshop will consider the crucial aspects and good habits to account for when planning a landscape genomics experiment (e.g. sampling design).  

Best regards,


Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

info using physalia-courses.org

mobile: +49 17645230846

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