[R-sig-genetics] Bug in ade4 randtest.amova and solution

Zhian Kamvar zkamvar at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 20:29:15 CET 2016


I am the maintainer for the poppr package, which depends on adegenet (and thus ade4). One of my users noticed a bug in the output of randtest.amova: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/poppr/D1gpqgQM2F0

Basically, the alternate hypothesis for the randomization tests would be incorrect at every fourth hierarchical level. I contacted the maintainer and this bug has been fixed on the ade4 github page: https://github.com/sdray/ade4/pull/4

If you do run into this problem, there is a workaround by passing the result to as.krandtest()

n <- 3 # (set this to the number of hierarchical levels)
with(randomization_result, as.krandtest(sim, obs, alter = c("less", rep("greater", n)), call = call, names = names)

Zhian N. Kamvar

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