[R-SIG-Finance] RFC: quantmod::getSymbols.MySQL

G See gsee000 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 13:52:59 CET 2014

Hi Josh,

As you probably noticed, I updated getSymbols.FI() to use options a
couple weeks ago, but instead of using a single option that is a list,
I made a separate option for each function argument.  This allows two
things:  1) you can have different default values set for the "from"
argument (for example) of different getSymbols.*() methods. 2) It
doesn't change the old defaults.  i.e. getOption("someOption",
"2014-01-01") will return the value of the option if it is set, or
"2014-01-01" if not.

With your list structure, the default value has to be determined
inside the function, I suppose.

Here's the formal argument list for getSymbols.FI

> args(getSymbols.FI)
function (Symbols, from = getOption("getSymbols.FI.from", "2010-01-01"),
    to = getOption("getSymbols.FI.to", Sys.Date()), ..., dir =
        ""), return.class = getOption("getSymbols.FI.return.class",
        "xts"), extension = getOption("getSymbols.FI.extension",
        "rda"), split_method = getOption("getSymbols.FI.split_method",
        c("days", "common")), use_identifier =
        NA), date_format = getOption("getSymbols.FI.date_format"),
    verbose = getOption("getSymbols.FI.verbose", TRUE), days_to_omit =
        c("Saturday", "Sunday")), indexTZ = getOption("getSymbols.FI.indexTZ",


On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 7:25 AM, Joshua Ulrich <josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com> wrote:
> As many of you know, the Defaults package was removed from CRAN on
> 2014-10-03 at Jeff's request.  This broke a fair bit of functionality
> in quantmod, most of which I have addressed in recent commits on
> R-Forge.
> One issue I have not resolved is how to adapt getSymbols.MySQL to the
> new no-Defaults paradigm.  I will be taking over as maintainer of
> quantmod, so I am soliciting input from getSymbols.MySQL users.
> My proposed solution to getSymbols.MySQL is to look for specific
> option()s if certain arguments are missing.  I think this is the
> cleanest and most obvious solution, but am open to alternatives.  I
> would use the option structure below, with only the three arguments
> listed.
> options(quantmod.defaults = list(
>   getSymbols.MySQL = list(
>     user="josh",
>     password="secret",
>     dbname="stocks")
>   )
> )
> Should I consider another option structure?  Should additional
> arguments be supported?  Anything else I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> --
> Joshua Ulrich  |  about.me/joshuaulrich
> FOSS Trading  |  www.fosstrading.com
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