[R-SIG-Finance] RFC: quantmod::getSymbols.MySQL
Mark Knecht
markknecht at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 14:00:32 CET 2014
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Joshua Ulrich <josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com> wrote:
> As many of you know, the Defaults package was removed from CRAN on
> 2014-10-03 at Jeff's request. This broke a fair bit of functionality
> in quantmod, most of which I have addressed in recent commits on
> R-Forge.
> One issue I have not resolved is how to adapt getSymbols.MySQL to the
> new no-Defaults paradigm. I will be taking over as maintainer of
> quantmod, so I am soliciting input from getSymbols.MySQL users.
> My proposed solution to getSymbols.MySQL is to look for specific
> option()s if certain arguments are missing. I think this is the
> cleanest and most obvious solution, but am open to alternatives. I
> would use the option structure below, with only the three arguments
> listed.
> options(quantmod.defaults = list(
> getSymbols.MySQL = list(
> user="josh",
> password="secret",
> dbname="stocks")
> )
> )
> Should I consider another option structure? Should additional
> arguments be supported? Anything else I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> --
> Joshua Ulrich | about.me/joshuaulrich
> FOSS Trading | www.fosstrading.com
Hi Josh,
I'd lobby for adding 'host' and (I think) 'port' parameters also.
This allows you to get across the network to get the data.
As an individual user type this is OK. Not great, but OK. I'd
probably add the code above into a file I source in most of my
programs and it would get run. Over time I'll forget where this is
though and will need to find it when I create new databases or change
In a more corporate setting (which isn't me these days) I'm not
sure it's very good. Standard usage (on Linux anyway, not sure about
Windows) is to have a .my.cnf file:
mark at c2RAID6 ~ $ cat .my.cnf
user = josh
password = secret
host = localhost
user = josh
database = beancounter
password = secret
host = localhost
mark at c2RAID6 ~ $
If MySQL needs a password that's where it looks first. There are no
security issues with the R code this way. If I change my password in
MySQL then this is the one place I change it for all my programs (R or
otherwise) that use MySQL to work. This is how I was doing it prior to
the change with Defaults. I have no idea how much MySQL is used by
corporate R users but I suspect they'd prefer this if it's possible.
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