[R-sig-Fedora] R 4.0.0

Tom Callaway tc@||@w@ @end|ng |rom redh@t@com
Mon May 4 19:14:38 CEST 2020

Hi folks,

As expected of a new major release of R, there is a break in compatibility
for R packages. From the NEWS entry for 4.0.0:

   Packages need to be (re-)installed under this version (4.0.0) of R.

This has two impacts on Fedora/EPEL.

1. Users who update to 4.0.0 will need to rebuild any/all packages
installed from CRAN.
2. Fedora/EPEL R packages will need to be rebuilt for 4.0.0.

For EPEL, #2 is less impactful (there are not that many R packages in EPEL)
but for Fedora, this is a pretty big lift.

I'm thinking that we'll only push this update to EPEL-8, F32, and rawhide,
but please, if you have input here, chime in.


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