[R-sig-eco] Multiply censored observations

is@beii@ m@iii@g oii gheme@t@c@ is@beii@ m@iii@g oii gheme@t@c@
Mon Jan 28 20:59:53 CET 2019


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 Hi everyone, 
 I am working on a project where I need to conduct non-seasonal and
seasonal trend tests of multiply censored data (i.e., data with
multiple detection 
 An old thread on this mailing list
 suggests that it is possible to perform these types of trend tests in
R using functions from USGS packages: 
        1.  USGSwsQW package has a function called kendallATS.test
that performs a non-seasonal Mann-Kendall trend test;
        2.  restrend package has a function called censSeaken that
performs a seasonal Kendall trend test. 
 Now, I looked for the USGSwsQW package and couldn't find it. 
Instead, I found the USGS package smwrQW
(https://rdrr.io/github/USGS-R/smwrQW/), [2] which 
 includes the function kendallATS.test.  The restrend package I could
find and it does include the censSeaken function. 
 The syntax of the kendallATS.test function is kendallATS.test(x, y,
na.rm = TRUE), where in my case x will stand for year and y will be a
 subjected to multiple detection limits.  According to the help file,
y needs to be 'any data that can be converted to a left-censored data
 The USGS packages seem to have an as.lcens() function which would
enable me to specify y as a left-censored vector of concentration
values subjected to 
 a single censoring limit.  But they also have an as.mcens() function
which would accept multiple censoring/detection limits.  
 Initially, I thought that kendallATS.test would accept both lcens and
mcens data values.  But it only accepts lcens data values, so I am not
 whether we are supposed to somehow convert mcens to lcens data values
prior to feeding them to kendallATS.test?  If we are supposed to do
 conversion, I am also not sure how the conversion should work as far
as as.lcens is concerned. 
 As an example, if y consists of the values "

[2] https://rdrr.io/github/USGS-R/smwrQW/),
[3] mailto:isabella using ghement.ca
[4] http://sitemail.wvthosting.com/<a href=

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