[R-sig-Debian] SOLVED- Re: help installing R on Linux Mint 21.2

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @end|ng |rom deb|@n@org
Wed Jan 3 21:46:42 CET 2024


We all have different types of learning and how we approach this, let alone
how we decompose things. With that, sorry you found this frustrating.  Many
of us put volunteer time into this trying to make things 'possible' and
preferably 'easy' but we don't always get there.

That said, I have shown multiple times over the last few years that the
simple _one statement call_ of `install.packages("tidyverse")` works in r2u
as demonstrated in a Docker container for r2u. I just 'taped' a fresh demo
installing 103 binary packages in twenty seconds from this one command. [1]

Myself, and many others, take advantage of that day in, day out on Ubuntu
systems for direct work, for work in CI, for work on cloud instances, laptops
or servers.  I am sorry that the documentaion did not work for you.  Maybe
you can take another look and provide an issue ticket at the r2u, preferably
short, actionable and focused (ie sending me a 200 line dump of "I did that
and it did not work" does not help me much -- I hope you understand).  Trying
this on Mint puts a little extra burden on you to find and overcome
differences. Again, sorry this did not pan out but glad to know you have it
installed from source.

Cheers, Dirk

[1] https://eddelbuettel.github.io/images/2024-01-03/tidyverse_in_20s_2024-01-03_14-38.gif

dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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